

Happy Birthday! ! ! With this one Earlier Stories, I wrote it, but, in fact, completely forgot it by the birthday of the wife today. It was the comment that the sample of the graceful Japanese woman to have I put comment of the protest wit…

奥様 ”おかんむり”

I thought that I wrote it in the blog in front, but I was a human being of the appointed hour rise basically, but did unpaid overtime by the preparation because there was report society the day after tomorrow. When return to the house, abs…

訃報 関西自作界 の 大御所 ”JA3PAV 仁木OM 死去”

Knowing people already already think that there is many it in mailing lists, but it is the news that is sad in of Lonely wolf which is similar to me that it is read this place. I knew it by an email from JA1BVA Saito, but it seems to have …

おおさか くずリーマン 天神祭2 デビ夫人

Mrs. Debbie came on the day of the Tenjin festival public performance! It did not matter, but did it to the material of the story while thinking that it was lowbrow father even if oneself who took a photograph first of all asked it it. It …

おおさか くずリーマン 夏本番 ”天神祭”

It is Honma "waste". ! ! ! It was proud, but I always went up the work with a bell of half past 5 by the appointed hour, but, today, the preparation with the tomorrow's report society was accompanied and was made to meet and has worked unt…


That reminds me did not you write the operative story with blog? I appeared at 7MHz と thought today. In very poor Line improving Phone, is kept company with nobody; for necessity in CW is managed. I thought, but terrible people came and h…


7/19 皆様の温かいご支援で御陰様でアクセス1500達成致しました。 しょーもない うだうだばなしにお付き合い下さいまして感謝しております。 今後ともよろしくお願いします。 Thank you, I achieved access 1500 by warm support of 7/19 people. Is udauda …


ご訪問有難うございます。 ゆっくりとおくつろぎ下さい。

Love and Peace!!!! by jhon lennon

I am Tortoise Matsumoto by a commercial But, the original music of Power to the people doing be elaborate! ! ! ! ! John points at a helmet on a video; and "this from Japan as for import." a joke I spurted. I am a citizen of peaceful and I …

Wiki 文法???

ヘルプより テスト送?H1>すいませんブログ初心者で只今実験中 太字 斜体斜体 太字斜体 太字斜体 ?H1>見出し1 文字を大きく青色に 薄緑色の背景付き文字 ?H3>青文字大きさ普通 ?H5>青文字大きさは、小文字 改行位置はこれでいいの? 肌色の背景と薄緑色の枠 …


Many people reading this blog think that it is almost radio Seki person in charge, but,(The one come to with random and a history is sorry.) It is time of the ninth grader that I have begun to be interested in Morse code. The reason is b…


何故いきなりロシア語かと申しますと、台風情報が気になり朝6時頃起床いたしまして、 御陰様で、当方のおんぼろ長屋は、無事でした。無事を確認し、早速RIGの火を入れますとRW****が入感して おり、コールした次第です。 私が、開局したての頃のロシア系の局…


Will the anti-typhoon measure be perfect? When appear in 7Mhz a little before I draw an antenna, try to be you in 14; with OM of 3rd QSO. QSO is completed while I am called it from the OT of the 2 characters call of nine areas, and being s…

おおさか クズリーマン

A call sign came out to a company-affiliated friend and did not write it with the company-affiliated material self-indulgently? "Gets out how! I assumed it ", Because it was how to write degree without the hindrance, is "" this to want exp…

超短波受信機の作り方  ラチ”オ科学社 3

I discovered a classic technology book in a certain university library. When it is casual and wrote publication time with Earlier Stories, but think well well In wartime? When a then citizen read such a book, I would be caught immediately …

超短波受信機の作り方  ラチ”オ科学社 2

It is how to make ultra-short wave receivers Radio science company January 20, 1941 publication. An author is Yukio Takahashi. It is the next year publication that my father was born. I gave the inside once-over, but feeling dizzy compete …

ラチ”オ科学社 1

Tokyo City turf ward Tamuracho becomes it how. Hi なんと東京市芝区田村町ってなってます。Hi

サトー電気29MhzFM KIT

This may not be sold with the old material anymore. By frequency fixation, does it seem to have been positive 29.2Mhz? The ・ ・ ... crystal was diverted to others and I became the directly-controlled fief of a feudal lord and was able to …

Crystal Radio実体配線図(2/2)

http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/jn3qqm/10668300.html ↑ substance wiring diagram. I said that I wrote a substance wiring diagram to a son by oneself. And Build a device by oneself. In addition, in the point of the screen left 200 condenser, the sc…

Crystal Radio実体配線図(1/2)

http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/jn3qqm/10668300.html ↑ substance wiring diagram. I said that I wrote a substance wiring diagram to a son by oneself. And Build a device by oneself. http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/jn3qqm/10668300.html ↑の実体配線図です。 …

大阪日本橋デジット PLLシンセサイザ

Because there was it when I could refer to salesclerk because I sold a board with a digit whether there was not a document, I purchased it immediately. I improve, and is a clock good to 100Khz - 99.99Mhz? ? ? ? . Don't say "I want to do DD…


・・・・・・・・ JA4azs Katayama OM I am terribly sorry. In an article of the tolane Sioux barter of 21 → 50 of the last circuit house, it is a crystal glass converter formally. This one is 21 144 → transformer barter of the circuit house …


About VFO7D progress As for VFO7D, calibration Kodama is succeeded now to know people. The problems such as part supplies are cleared, and the problem seems to be a number to sell namely the number of the order. I felt it for the wind that…

MIZUHO ポケットダイポール PAN62 販売再開

Director self-styled Mizuho religion believer Osaka public information (actually there is not such a group.) In the meeting that a QRP club of the Seki ham was presided over as for the first announcement in 2005 of this material, it is an …

QQM用 備忘録

QQM 備忘録的メモ DBU 取説 DBU SR-7 世羅多プロジェクトコラボ企画 かなり期限がオーバーしています。 忘れている訳ではありませんので今しばらくお待ちを...... すんまそん m( )m DBU VFO 周波数調整 DBU BFO 組み上げ DBU AF FIXED DC21 Proj 100円ラジオ…


A machine insect(By Kansai ham Festival) It is a lecture from volunteer of pine love society(Panasonic OB team). As for the passage, thank you. A dwarf is pleased very much, too. メカ虫(関西ハムフェスティバルにて) 松愛会の有志の方から…

おおさか クズリーマン お昼のひと時 その2

Numerousness or the waste Osaka Riemann daytime time 2 おおさか クズリーマン お昼のひと時 その2

おおさか クズリーマン お昼のひと時

Numerousness or the waste Osaka Riemann daytime time 1 おおさか クズリーマン お昼のひと時 その1

おおさか クズリーマン お昼のひと時

I was good, and it was a worth dragonfly. Is this Big dragonfly isn't it? I was able to look at the difficulty in Osaka-shi. けっこうでかいとんぼでした。 これっておにやんま っていうんですかね?大阪市内でもこんなん見れました。


I stayed too much up late, and the body would weaken recently, too. I caught cold, and a son seems to have been moved somehow or other 2.3 days ago by it. The people please please take care of oneself to a body, too. In addition, if revive…