

ひとつ前の記事で 最近の僕のマイブームは、ヤフーオークションだったと書きましたが BCL機がかなり人気がありますね。物によってはRIGよりも高値で売買されていたりして BCL世代が再熱されているんだなと感じました。 面白い物では、QSLカード…

4勝9敗 マイブーム ヤフーオークション

My study fund , a certain sponsor give 100,000 yen to me, and it is lucky ♪♪ I looked at usual Sato Electric and a usual course whether I would buy even a part, I had not done auction I thought to have of 1 degree, and it was Go to Yahoo. …


It was over in one of the twenty-four seasons in the lunar calendar, and to be gradually this place Kansai seems to have become spring. Will the people have state of things? It was an ache, and the insect of my radio did ON The Air consecu…


As soon as I gave the QSL series of the Maritime Safety Agency which protected the security of the sea The various accidents in the sea occur frequently. There was an accident in the neighborhood of Seto-ohashi yesterday, but is good for H…

おおさかハーバーレーダー 今昔

This did wach in the series of marine preservation QSL, too. QSL and now(Probably I spread when I click a right red circle of the WTC.) When even if spread, may be hard to look, but watch it by the naked eye locally; a round and round an…


I can watch an oyster bird so near in Osaka-city. 大阪市内でもこんなに近くでゆりかもめが見ることができます。